Expand your streaming coverage in China and improve viewer experience with Mlytics Video Stream edge cloud services.
Minimize latency and gain real-time actionable data analytics.
What you need for fast and reliable video stream delivery to China...
Mlytics understand the compliance and know the keys to deliver video stream content to China audiences.
Use Mlytics Global Multi-CDN Accelerator to create smooth video stream performance at user-level.
Mlytics has strategic partnership with China leading CDN providers to ensure best viewer experience and stability in China.
Understand your audience, their video consumption, and engagement better. These audience analytics tools give you a complete picture of your audience to help you make actionable decisions based on your viewership data.
You can choose different strategies for Multi-CDN management in China, apply in-stream switching for better performance at user-level in China, and optimize your cost on delivery with client-side switching CDN. With Multi-CDN management, you can set optional CDN weights - score for each CDN according to costs, preferences or other considerations - so that the system would switch CDNs according to different weights intelligently.
Mlytics Video Stream SDK with in-stream switching on a viewer-side player can support handling China market with 850 million active users, with no compromise on the video quality, buffering and latency. You don’t need to replace anything in current digital infrastructure, because our SDK is simply integrated and high compatible to all main devices and systems, like as iOS, Android, Web, etc. With in-stream switching advanced abilities in monitoring, it provides real-time data analytics about your audience in China and optimize performance for each viewer.
During network transmission in China, domains may be blocked due to suspiciously untrusted or abnormal - Mlytics can effectively solve these issues. Through our multiple nodes deployed in China, suspiciously untrusted and abnormal domains could be switched to others intelligently, and allow users all transmissions are normal during access, completely solving issues of domains blocked.
Further enhance website performance by resolving DNS requests with dedicated China-based DNS.
Access granular routing strategies down to viewer-level in China.
Leverage a setup of 100+ wavers for synthetic monitoring all across China, ensuring our smart load balancer continuously routes traffic to the best-performing CDN.