How we mitigated one of the largest CC (DDoS) attacks
In the first quarter of 2019, one of our customers came to us with a problem: their website was under …
In the first quarter of 2019, one of our customers came to us with a problem: their website was under …
Image by InvestmentZen The most famous distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks usually involve political intrigue or huge corporations, as was the …
If you own a website and especially if you make a living online, it is likely that you are already …
How Multi CDN fight DDoS attacks cheaper and more effectively
On Oct 25, 2018, a researcher from ODS (Open Data Security) named Daniel Fariña released a blog post sharing his …
How Mlytics patched Cloudflare WAF bypass vulnerability (on our end)
A web application firewall (WAF) is an application firewall specifically designed for HTTP applications, which means applications intended to run …